Touch Downs: work made about land and landing. Drawn from walking the wide bright orbits and arcs of Downland and in the dark of the Depot as the Apollo 11 astronauts re-entered earths’ orbit. .... something so profoundly moving about the extremes of distance, transition, faith. Some of the blind shorthand notes taken of their descent fed back into this land.
Selected Works from this series on show with Spring Show 1-16 May 2021
Selected Works from this series on show with Spring Show 1-16 May 2021
Inside Outside 10 x 10 cm. Oil on Panel or Linen. £185 each. * Please email for availability.
Small Paintings about landscape and longing made during lockdown - bringing it home
Small Paintings about landscape and longing made during lockdown - bringing it home
Living in Trees 1 to 4 || Field Synapse 1 to 2 || * Please email for availability.